The Igor Ansoff Anthology 출간안내

The Igor Ansoff Anthology (Paperback)
by Edited by Peter H Antoniou and Patrick E. Sullivan

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Igor Ansoff developed a unique strategic management school of thought that is a synthesis of his years in industry, the work of several significant predecessors, his own keen insight into the significant variables that are related to successful strategic behavior, and empirical research that supports his theories and prescriptions. The Ansoff school of thought is environment driven. The foundational pieces of his approach are introduced here in a unique format. Specialists in the field present their views as to how the material relates peppering it with their own views and personal contact with Igor Ansoff. There are a series of tools that have been developed to assess the complexity of the business environment and the organization's response to it. The only emprirically validated approach to date.

Product Details

Paperback: 520 pages
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (October 6, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 1419611860


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