Designing Strategy: Step-by-Step, Using the Strategy Format and 50 Pri…

Designing Strategy:

Step-by-Step Using the Strategy Format and 

50 Principles for its Ultimate Design 



Designing Strategy: Step-by-Step, Using the Strategy Format and 50 Principles for its Ultimate Design 

Dong Joon Park, Peter H. Antoniou


 2022, 2012, 2008 Dong Joon Park, Peter H. Antoniou 

Printed in U.S.A with Amazon kindle book publishing 

Amazon registration information  

ASIN  :  B0BN17N4W7 

Publication date  :  November 20, 2022 

Printed in Korea, Soft Strategic Management Research Institute 

Publisher : 소프트전략경영연구원 

ISBN 978-89-7736-180-5    95320 

This book was originally published as Korean version in 2008 (978-89-7736-122-5), and republished in e-book in Dec. 2012 (978-89-7736-153-9), with original title of 경영관리자의 성공전략을 위한 전략 포맷 Strategy Format - solutions for ultimate strategy소프트전략경영연구원 in Korean Version. 

This English revised latest version is first published in English in 2022.


 Preface and Message to Business Managers4


 Table of Contents10

 Chapter I. Strategic Reality and Strategy Format 21

 What is Strategy Format?22

  Don't do that, talk about the content of your strategy in detail! 22

  Let's start with strategy grammar 22

  Why you need to establish a strategy grammar 22 

 The basic format of strategy. 23 

 Strategy Format 1. 24 

 Strategy Format 2. 25 

 Strategy Format 3. 25 

 Strategy Format 4. 26 

 Strategy Format 5. 27 

 Strategy Format 6. 28 

 Strategy Format 7. 28 

 Strategy Format 8. 29 

 Strategy Format 9. 29 

 Strategy Format 10. 30 

 Which Strategy Format are we using?. 30 

 Which Strategy Format should you use?. 32 


Chapter II. Structure and Contents of Strategy Format 34 

1. Strategy Format 1. 35 

 Elements that make up the content of strategy. 35 

 Clarify content in Strategy Format 37 

 Distinguish between strategy and objectives 37 

2. Strategy, Objectives and Goals. 39 

 When or if your objectives change, you have to change your strategy. 39 

 Review of objectives 40 

3. Modification of Strategy Format 2. 43 

 The logic of strategy and capability priority. 43 

 Strategy-first priority logic (Tesla example) 43 

 Capability-first logic (Amazon example) 46 

 Comparison of strategy-first logic and capability-first logic. 46 

 Problems of strategy-capability combination logic. 48 

 Three levels of understanding: rough, knowledge, and application understanding. 49 

4. Basic Postures and Factors of Strategy. 54 

 What is strategy?. 54 

 Be mindful of the relationship between Environment and Capability. 55 

 The role of strategic actors 56 

 It is meaningless to discuss strategy without the strategic subject 56 

 Understand the basic structure of strategic factors 58 

 Redefining the term strategy. 59 

 External response strategy and internal response strategy. 59 

5. Strategy and Capability. 61 

 Strategy is determined by the capability of the strategist 64 

 Corporate performance is created by combining capability and strategic performance. 66 

6. Strategy Format 3. 69 

 Are strategies and strategic alternatives the same?. 69 

 When the distinction between strategy and strategic alternatives is not clear 70  

7. Strategy Format 3.1 - Strategy Contents. 72 

 What are the contents of strategy?. 72 

8. What is a Strategy Vector?. 77 

 Growth Strategy Vector 77 

 Three-dimensional growth vector and strategy cube. 79 

 What are the considerations of the strategy cube?. 80 

 A strategy cube that enables a variety of choices 82 

 Vision of the Healthcare industry for the elderly - The romance of global group business and its development 83 

 Social response and management politics 84 

9. Refining the Contents of Strategy. 87 

 Making strategy contents and strategic alternatives more concrete. 87 

 Implementation guidelines and action principles of [Strategy Format 3.1] 87 

 Example of [Strategy Format 3.1] 88 

10. Strategy Format 3.1 - Capability. 91 

 Basic requirements for competence. 91


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